Why You Should ‘Give Up the Ghost’ on Ghosting

Having a friend, date, or co-worker be a “no-show” is not a new story, but technology has transformed the “no-show” into a “no muss, no fuss” vanishing act called ghosting. For those of you that have been spared, ghosting is the act of terminating communication with a love interest, and intentionally avoiding contact with no explanation. Though the term specifically refers to dating relationships; we know that our friends, spouses, and relatives are just as capable of vaporizing into the ether.

Dating surveys suggest that these inexplicable disappearing acts have become a disturbing and accepted trend in relationship etiquette. Their findings show that both males and females have engaged in ghosting behavior or have been ghosted as a way to end a dating relationship. These results range from nearly 11% of Huffington Post participants; to approximately 25% of Survey Monkey respondents; and now in 2016,  a staggering 80% of online daters, ages 18 to 33 years, acknowledged that they have been ghosted. Though survey methods are known to have multiple flaws, these results suggest that the ghosting phenomenon has become a common practice of the break-up ritual.

To be clear, we all encounter situations that warrant terminating contact, but what about those who unilaterally cease communication for no apparent reason? Do they share the lifeless characteristics of a heartless ghost? Probably not — it’s more likely that electronic communication enables cowardice and reinforces passivity. Ghosting is an expression of how we separate from uncomfortable relationships, and may reflect a general pattern of avoidance that we bring to our friendships, jobs, and family connections.

Consider the following 4 reasons to show up instead of disappear:

1. Inaction speaks as loudly as action.

Silence carries as much meaning as any other form of communication. The difference is that the message is harder to decipher and more likely to be misinterpreted. In the absence of information, the ghosted party may create an inaccurate story instead of assuming your lack of interest. In fact, caring souls may be concerned that something unfortunate happened to you.

2. Connection provides closure.

Direct communication reduces negativity and provides closure for all parties. Valuable time and energy won’t be spent on wondering about how to handle the lack of contact and will spare both of you of awkward moments in the future. Closing the loop also provides an opportunity to clarify assumptions. You may be surprised to find the lack of interest is mutual!

3. Showing up is an expression of strength.

Showing up will not only allow the other to know where they stand with you — you will know where you stand with yourself. Kindly telling the truth is a display of your power to have hard conversations, commitment to finish what you started, and compassion to see beyond your own needs. It takes less than five minutes to save someone from feeling unworthy of your attention.

4. It’s the human thing to do.

You are a person, not a poltergeist. It’s not easy to tell a friend, romantic partner, or relative that you don’t want to spend time with them; but you are more likely to create what you want to avoid if you don’t communicate directly. You increase the likelihood of future conflict, having your intentions misunderstood, and sustaining unnecessary negative feelings. People deserve the respect of knowing that their relationship has changed with you instead of feeling haunted by confusion and unanswered questions. They may not appreciate your decision, but they will respect your honesty. The choice is yours: respond as human with a heart, or fade away like a soulless ghost.


This article first appeared on SheOwnsIt.com